The Roll Arena is also nationally known, due to USA Today’s article “10 great places to let good times roll on skates” in which we were featured in it.”
The owner David “Captain Dave” Schafer is not famous because he sailed the seven seas looking for pirate treasure. He already found his treasure in the creation of The Roll Arena! David has been an active member of the RSA (Roller Skating Association) for 46 years. During his career he was Sectional Director from 1984-1990, RSA Vice President from 1994-1996, RSA President from 1996-1998, and as a Trustee for the National Museum of Roller Skating from 1999-2008. If you ever have a question about skating in general, David will know the answer! So, If you ever have an question or an interest in skating of any form, The Roll Arena is a great place to start. By providing a safe environment for people to have fun, parties or just get togethers can be had at the rink. Holiday events and special all-nighter events make the visit even more enjoyable!